Start a Blog in 2024(Beginners Guide)

Are you Looking to start a blog in 2024 and start your career and worrying about what to do, where to start, how to create a simple blog, and how to monetize your Blog? If all these questions are running through your mind. Then this article is for you!

Blogging is not a rich scheme method you need consistence, Hardwork, and patience

In 2024 Blogging has a chance in the plan of passive income, In this article, We’ll teach you how to start a blog in step by step process and provide you with free tools and resources that will help you succeed.

This is How Bloggers earn money from their blog

You’ll follow these steps, Create your own blog, and Start accumulating tens and twenties in your wallet.

Sounds good! Let’s start a blog in 2023

How to Start a Blog in 2024 – 9 Simple Steps

1. Pick a niche for your Blog (Start a blog in 2023)

Before you start building a blog, you have to select a blogging niche. In simple terms, a Blog niche is a specific topic you should write about often on your website.

Selecting a niche is a crucial part of your blogging journey and we’ll discuss how to find a profitable niche.

Discovering the proper niche should require further research and thinking, as having a blog is not difficult to work maintaining your blog is a very critical job

Every day, more than 2million+ blog posts are published, According to the Ahrefs tool 92% will not receive a single traffic to their post.

Because all those website builders failed to choose a profitable niche.

Are you curious about what types of niches are getting more traffic and earning money through blogging? Then let’s dive into it,

Evergreen Niches and Sub-Niches

1Health & FitnessWeight loss, Beauty ideas, Diabetes, Skin, Hair, anti-aging, Gym training, Yoga training… etc
2Make money onlineBlogging, Affiliate Marketing, freelancing
3Food Recipes
4Relationshiplove ideas, parenting tips, family problems
5TravelPicinc, Adventure travel, Destiny travel, Gastro-Tourism
6Entertainment Movies, Music, Sports, News, k-pop, Tv shows

These are all successful Niches and Sub- niches you’ll try one of these and succefull in your Blogging career.

2. Choose the right blogging platform

There are several platforms in the market okay I will tell you a brief explanation.

There are several bloggers started their journey on this is a free platform in this platform you’ll only learn about the blogging experience

But, once you are ready with your idea and you want to build an audience and earn money online there is only one platform is considered (that is not Wix, Tumbler, Blogspot, and Bloggers)


It’s WordPress.

Why WordPress? Because, To install WordPress on your own web host, you must first acquire a hosting plan. That needs money and you also have to purchase a Domain well Discuss in the next step.

If you’re very serious about your Blogging career and you want to build an audience and earn money and you are willing to build your website like a rock-solid foundation

You need WordPress.

3. Choose a Domain Name and Domain Name

To create a blog using your WordPress, You’ll need two things are Domain name and a Hosting plan

Hosting Plan:- Your blog will have several databases, Files, content, and several Technical data It must be stored someplace on your internet so that everyone may see your website and posts. This store of your website data is called Web Hosting because web-hosting WordPress sites are referred to as self-hosted blogs.

Domain Name:- Your Domain name will be the name which you’ll be known online and your audience, it is your website’s unique address on the internet.

How to choose Domain Name:-

It should be catchy and easy to pronounce to your audience, and short too

How Domain Name Looks – www. (or) www.

How to Buy Hosting plan and Domain name:-

Honestly, In the market, there are more than 50 Web Hosting companies available but only a few offer the best services and competitive rates.

If you are a new Blogger, I suggest using Hostinger Hosting.

Why you should go with this company (Hostinger)

  • 24/7 Customer support
  • Easy to use
  • Strong Security
  • Free daily backups
  • cheap in price
  • Provides Free domain
  • Used by top bloggers

Get a blog hosting account and a free domain name

Here are the steps on how to purchase hosting and domain name, I have included screenshots of pages

1. Visit the Hositnger Home page

Go to the Homepage of Hostinger.

start a blog in 2024
Hostinger dashboard

2. Choose your Plan

Scroll Down in Hompage and click any plan that is suitable for you. If you’re a beginner in blogging go with Basic pan

3. Choose a period of your plan

In my suggestion, Is this is your first blog go with a 1-year plan

4. Select your payment type

Pay through any payment method

you’ll get a new window popup and that is your Hostinger Hpanel or Cpanel page click the Start Here button and fill in your details and Get your free Domain name.

5. Get your free Domain name

Click on the free Domin name

And start your next step,

4. Select a theme and Design your blog

The first thing your blog needs is a face, The first impression is the best impression for readers so that’s why you should create a beautiful website with the help of WordPress Themes

After installing your website you need to select a theme and apply it to your blog, there are a lot of websites available in WordPress. Still, I recommend the GeneratePress theme because it is less weight, so due to this your blog runs faster and opens faster.

Here is how to download and use that theme,

Go to your Dashboard and on the left side, open the appearance page then in the right corner of the left side add new button appears click on it.

Search for a GeneratePress theme on the Search bar in the left corner.

The style and feel of your new blog will be determined by the theme you choose. Your first-time readers will notice the overall appearance before they even look at the content. Choose a theme that not only looks excellent but also fulfills your specific needs.

Install Generatepress theme

Activate GeneratePress theme

Finally, Go to appearance and click on the customize button, edit your blog as you want!

5. Add Plugins for Your Blog

In WordPress more than 50,000+ free and Premium plugins are available By default when you set up your blog, Hostinger automatically adds some plugins that are important to your website.

If you want to add new plugins to your website to customize your blog, go to the left-hand side of the dashboard click on Plugins, and in the drop-down menu you will see the Add new button, Click on that button to install some mandatory Plugins

  • Akismet Anti-Spam – It automatically checks comments, and messages from the contact form
  • MonsterInsights – is the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress
  • RankMath SEO – it is the best Plugins to do SEO to your blog
  • Site-Kit by Google – It Provides Insights on how visitors find and use your site, as well as how to monetize and enhance your content
  • Updraft Plus – It allows you to plan automatic backups and also assists you in restoring your site if something goes wrong
  • LightSpeed Cache – an all-in-one site acceleration plugin, delivers an exclusive server-level cache and a range of optimization options.

6. Write Your First Blog Post

It’s time to Write your masterpiece blog post. taking ideas in your head and turning them into words and sharing your ideas with the world. Starting a blog in 2023 is very easy but complicated.

Before going to write your first blog post your blog needs some main pages or menus on your Website front.

Now we’ll explore those types of pages you need on your website.

Main pages you’ll need:-

Depending on your niche and topic you’ll create a lot of pages, but every blog needs these mandatory pages on your site.

  1. Homepage:- According to your website, the homepage is your static page and the face of your website, Based on your homepage your traffic is performed if you have a creative and best homepage visitors will frequently come to your site.
  2. About us:- The “About us” page is the most conventional page on your site. This page explains what is your blog about, who you are, and why you started the blog in your niche.
  3. contact us:- This is the page from where your audience will connect with you, You can simply provide your E-mail, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and all other social media platforms.
  4. Tools and services and Products:- This page depends on your niche selection.

These are the main pages you need to add to your site before you write your first blog

Okay, I’ll tell you a secret, how to gain your visitors’ curiosity to stay a bit longer on your Blog.
  • Mention Problem
  • Give Promise to that Problem
  • Research about that problem
  • Solution for that Problem
  • Give Your Opinion on that Problem

How to write a Blog in WordPress

  • The post menu item is located on the left side of the WordPress dashboard.
  • Click on the post item, Then select the ‘ ‘ New” Button.

7. Optimize your Blog for SEO (Search engine optimization)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is where website owners get traffic from Google to their web pages and posts.

More than 53% of traffic comes to websites from organic search, so that’s why SEO is more important for a web page

when you publish your first blog post or page make sure to perform better on Google you have to do two main things that are Keyword optimization and SEO meta tags on all SEO pages and posts.

Keyword optimization

The technique that enhances the relevance of webpages’ content to a specific search query is known as keyword optimization.

For Example:- Your keyword is Sart a blog in 2023

If you follow the following steps your SEO is perfect for your Blog
  • Include a keyword in the Headline or H1 tag

In the above image, the H1 tag is the title of any blog post.

Make sure that the title of your blog is more than 50-60 characters in length

  • Include the Keyword in the Permalink or URL of your Blog post.

The custom URL of your blog is known as the Permalink of your Blog, As shown in the below image.

If your permalink or Custom URL is more than the recommended Characters Google automatically reduces some letters in the URL and Focuses on the first 50-60 characters only.

If you want to know how to change the permalink on your blog post write a comment like this (Start a blog in 2023) below I will write another article on that topic.

  • Include the Keyword in the First Paragraph of your blog post.

Always include the Keyword in the First paragraph of your Blog post as shown below

If you are unable to add a Keyword in your first paragraph at least add your keyword in the first 90 Letters.

  • Include a keyword in H2 and H3 headlines.

Always remember, While you writing a blog your blog post should include headings like H2, H3

Just look at this image It includes keywords in the first headline when you use a focus keyword or keyword on your headline you will be ranked in the top 10.

  • Include a keyword in the Meta description

Google will not rank any pages based on the Meta description it is only for reading your audience to gain attention to your blog post. If you include keywords in the Meta description your audience is more curious about your content.

The Meta description should not be more than 50-150 characters.

How the Meta description looks like:

  • Use Internal and External links in your Blog post.

Internal Link:- A link that is linked to your blog post or pages is called an internal link, For example, in the below-shown image Contact Me is an internal link

External link:- A link that is linked with other website pages or posts is called an external link, For example, in the below-shown image Bluehost is an External link.

  • Add alt text to images in your blog post

According to Google’s Algorithm, Google wants engaging content for its audience, Google not only wants text for its audience it also needs some media content like images, videos

You can see how can i add screenshots of different platforms to get you a better understanding of this article (Start a blog in 2023)

So, while you include images or media to your blog post add Alt Text for the image

  • Keyword Density

Never attempt to influence the search engine by adding keywords everywhere, since this appears unnatural, and your keyword density should be between 1 and 1.5%.

If you did Keyword density to your blog post, A low keyword density is better than a high keyword density

For example, if you have a low keyword density on your post Google will rank your post faster, if you have a high keyword density on your Blog post Google will not be supposed to do ranking.

If you’re using Rankmath SEO for your blog post this is how Keyword density looks,

I hope you’re enjoying the content, Let’s dive into how to Boost and promote your blog post.

8. Boost your traffic, Promote your Blog

By, now you have learned how to write a blog post and how to optimize your blog post

If you’re a Beginner blogger, Honestly you won’t get traffic to your website from Google it takes time to get traffic to your blog.

You need to spend more time as much as you write a blog post to promote it. You’ll spend more time promoting than writing your blog post.

  • Here are a few places Where you to Boost and promote your blog:
  • Promote on Instagram

Create an account on Instagram and post reels and images about your niche if they love your content try to convince them to read the full content and the link will be in the bio of your account.

This method is a late-processing method.

  • Write answers on Quora

If you’re a Beginner in the blogging journey I highly recommend going with this platform.

when I was a beginner in my blogging career I followed this Q and A on Quora and got really traffic from Quora.

According to Wikipedia Quora has More than 300 million visitors per month, This is the best chance to gain traffic from Quora to your site.

  • Drive traffic From Twitter

Here I would love to say, that Twitter is a cute baby for our blog post

I would say that because daily millions of traffic come from Twitter to websites.

If you want to know how to get traffic to our post from Twitter write a comment below I’m dying to create an article on this topic.

  • Drive traffic from Pinterest

Depending on your topic and audience, Pinterest can be a significant traffic source.

Create a pin on your Pinterest account add your blog post link to your Pinterest Pin destination link and drive Pinterest traffic to your post.

  • Facebook

Nowadays a 10-year-old child has a Facebook account, so try to add some posts on Facebook and gain traffic to your site from Facebook.

  • Blog Commenting

Start commenting on popular bloggers in your niche, because it is the best way to build relationships with top bloggers.

  • Guest Blogging

This is the best way to get an online presence on your site, Select a website of your niche and ask them to write a blog post for them and gain an online presence of your post through this.

9. Monetize your Blog( Money earning)

Monetization means turning your blog activity into earnings.

One thing I want to tell you blogging is not only making money it’s creating useful content for readers and the value you provided to them they come back to your site frequently.

Ways to earn money from Blogging:-

  • Selling Advertisement
    • Google Adsense
    • Banner ads
      1. Direct ads
      2. Buysell ads
  • Affiliate Marketing
    • Affiliate networks
      1. Digistore
      2. Clickbank
      3. CJ affiliates
      4. JVzoo
    • Shopping Networks
      1. Amazon
      2. Flipkart
      3. Myntra
      4. Alibaba
  • Join Direct Affiliate programs
  • selling Services
    • coaching
    • consulting
    • writing
    • other freelancing works
  • Sponsored Reviews
  • Donations
  • Memberships

These are the methods choose any method according to your audience’s Perception.


Hey Congratulations, you have learned Blogging, and what I provided in this article is a full masterpiece skill in a blogging career, I confidently say that if start blogging after reading this article you Earn money a lot from it, This is our promise. so, you will start a blog in 2023.

From my side, I would say one thing, learn the Full SEO of your page and you’ll be a master in Blogging. If you have any queries Contact us

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