11 Profitable Blog Monetization Methods (How Bloggers Earn Money)

Are you looking for profitable methods to earn money from your fun blog, professional blog, or other company websites?

In the blogging career, this is one of the crucial and main problems where all bloggers get stuck.

You spend a little money to create a blog but have no idea how to make money with it or what the potential revenue streams are –

No worries, your man is here!

In this article, I provide all blog monetization methods to earn money from a blog…

Note: Blogging is not a quick rich scheme method, You need patience, consitent and Belive in your content

Before implementing these methods on your blog, you need to set up your blog properly and make it desktop, laptop, and mobile-friendly. Here, I provide a beginner’s guide on How to start a Profitable blog. From a 14-year-old child to a 60-year-old grandmother, She understands my guide.

These are the methods how bloggers earn money from blogs:

Let’s get started!

1. Running Ads

To start making money from ad networks, you need a large amount of traffic. If you have high traffic, you make a ton of money.

You may earn $5 per 1000 visitors, depending on your niche. if you’re running a financial, educational blog, your RPM could be $100 per 1000 visitors. It depends on your Niche

Ad networks you may join:

  1. Google AdSense(no need of traffic)
  2. Ezoic(no need of traffic)
  3. Mediavine (monthly 50k visitors)

You’re Free to apply for any one of the above Ad networks once you’ve been approved for any of them. It may take some time to review your website to display ads.

Once ads begin to appear you make money from it.

Keynote: I Prefer to apply for Ad Networks once you have minimum traffic such as 10k unique visitors to your site.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Do you know what it is Affiliate marketing?

This is one of the top methods to earn passive income from a blog. You promote another person or company’s products and earn some commission while your customer or audience makes a purchase.

In a blogging career, you may also do affiliate marketing, Write some articles about products that are in your niche, and earn a commission when your customer makes a purchase

Where to find Products:

  1. ShareASale
  2. Amazon
  3. Digistore24
  4. Clickbank
  5. WarriorPlus

If you are running a software reviews blog just like mine, you can easily join affiliate programs by entering your company name on Google followed by “affiliate program”

Blog Monetization methods _ How to join affilaite programm

3. Selling E-Book

Yes, You heard the right one!

Selling e-books can make you passive income from your blog!

Give some time to write an e-book based on your niche and create a page on your blog dedicated to e-books like Shoutme Loud did. Create curiosity in your readers to purchase your ebook by sending pop-ups while they are reading your post.

How to create E-Book:

You can hire someone from Fiverr or LinkedIn to write your e-book, or you can create your e-book by watching some YouTube videos on “how to create an e-book.” It is not difficult to do.

4. Freelance blogger

Being a freelance blogger is one of the best passive ways to earn money online

When you’re in a blogging career, you have some knowledge or experience in this field. Why you won’t change that expertise into money-

Become a freelance writer in your niche. Find some websites to write articles for their blogs and earn money.

How to find websites:

Write a niche and hit enter- you’ll get some results. Contact them through their blog and write articles on the blog, and you can earn money. You can charge per word or article; it depends on your perception

On average a Freelance writer earns $25 per hour in the USA.

You can also take advantage of this method. While you are writing articles for a company, ask them to include an outbound link to your blog. This may increase your domain authority

Read: Why Blog is BMW for content marketing

5. Write Reviews

You get paid for writing reviews!

Just find a product in your niche, try it, and then write your review on that product. Don’t write spam reviews- Try to provide real value to the user.

You can write reviews in any niche. If your blog is about software tools, apps, budgets, or other tech-related topics, then write reviews in that niche. If not, don’t write them.

In this toolsimr blog also write reviews about software tools, Hosting, Email marketing tools, AI tools, etc. Just check how I write reviews ResellerClub Review

You can easily reach out to some companies that are paying you to write reviews

6. Guest Post

Guest posting is one of the best ways to increase your website’s domain authority and your online presence on Google and earn passive money

What is a Guest post?

guest posting is nothing but writing articles for someone and they pay you for writing

How to write a guest post

  1. Find someone who is in your niche and contact them by email or phone
  2. Write Unique content for them
  3. Include interlinking to your site (that makes your site high DA)
  4. And you get paid for writing articles

The best part of the Guest post!

  • You earn money from clients (Average salary maybe $300 per month)
  • Your website has a higher chance of ranking on the first page of Google (becoz of internal linking to your site).

7. Selling Online course

If you’re an expert in your niche, I strongly recommend you create an online course and sell it to your audience to generate passive income.

You don’t need to be an expert in teaching. Just create a course in a simple English language and upload it to your blog…That’s it. You can earn money while your audience purchases your course

There are thousands of bloggers earning money from selling online courses. Bloggers use Coursera and Udemy software to edit and upload their online course

You may upload your online course to your blog and create pop-ups while your readers read your content. The main thing is to create curiosity in your readers to buy your online course.

For Example: check their courses and how they created Bloggingpassion.com, and Shoutmeloud.com (These two websites have been most famous in the blogging industry for the last 20 decades)

8. Sell Digital Products

Selling digital products is one of the ways to monetize your blog!

If you’re a new blogger or an expert in a blogging career, this is one of the craziest ways to earn passive income from your blog

Things you can sell as digital products are:

  • Selling Pdf’s on your niche
  • Selling E-books
  • Selling templates
  • Printables
  • Guides etc…

9. Selling Ad Space

Selling Ad Space is also the same as advertising on your site, but here we earn money by selling our ad space on our website

How to sell Ad Space:

  1. Negotiate with some companies in your niche, contact them via email, and place their ad on your site
  2. WordPress Plugins are one of the best ways to earn money through Ad Spacing
  3. Create an account on Buysellads and connect with companies that are willing to advertise their ad on your website

10. Paid Membership Site

Yes, you may earn money in Paid Memberships!

Larger websites like Netflix, Wynk, Amazon, Hotstar, and Spotify make millions of dollars from paid memberships, and in the same way, bloggers can also generate money

How to Earn from Paid Memberships for Blogs:

  • Create a membership area in your blog for your audience who wants to pay for your premium content
  • It takes a lot of time and investment to create that membership section on your blog
  • You may create easily with the help of plugins in WordPress like Ultimate Member, AR Member, LearnDash, etc…

11. Building Email List

Building an email list is one of the best ways to make money through a blog!

and my favorite one too…

How to earn from the email list:

  • Build a list of emails from your audience
  • Send Your E-book to your audience directly
  • sell your course
  • Boost your Affiliate marketing revenue by sending to your audience personally
  • and more…

Note: New bloggers think that I’ll start email marketing after I get 10k visitors to my blog, This is one of the big misconceptions of newbie bloggers in blogging career

Try to build an email list from day 1 – don’t waste time, and don’t regret it later!

Final Words on Blog Monetization Methods

There we go!

These are the 11 methods you can earn money through a blog,

How should you monetize your blog? It all depends on how your blog is set up, what model it is, and who your target audience is.

So, now that you know how to monetize a blog, I suggest you implement 1 or 2 methods for your blog and start making money through it.

With some passion and some hard work, you may earn up to $1000 to $10,000 per month from blogging.

Happy Earn Money buddies!!

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